Thursday, March 22, 2012

Homemade Deodorant In Twist Up Tubes

I have been slacking lately. I haven't worked on my deodorant formula in a while, since we still have some from my last batch. However I did have a friend try it out, and he gave me some good feedback. 

Today, I went back to the drawing board (again) and made a couple of modifications. I removed the cypress and juniper essential oils and added lavender essential oil to soften the scent. I also reduced the amount of cocoa butter to make it more spreadable. I might regret that as it gets hotter outside this summer. Finally, I packaged the formula in traditional deodorant twist up tubes for the first time. I bought .5 oz tubes and am shrink wrapping them to make them look official. My recipe made 7 travel-size deodorants!

Here are a couple pictures of my DIY Adventures today:

Update: This attempt was, sadly, unsuccessful. The consistency was far too soft for actual application using a tube. I applied it with my fingers, and the recipe is still effective. But the application part of it needs work... back to the drawing board.

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